Blackmagic Design Universal Videohub 800W Power Supply

Price: AED 12657.00


Manufacturer: Blackmagic Design

<h3>Blackmagic Universal Videohub 800W Power Supply</h3><br><p>The <strong>Blackmagic Design Power Supply (800W) </strong>is designed to work with universal videohubs and comes with power cards and cables. The 1 rack unit power supply with dual redundant 800 Watt / 12 volt supplies is required for designing a fully loaded router with mixed optical fiber and BNC SDI modules.</p><br><div class="sectionHeaders js-hiddenFeatures" data-selenium="sectionHeaders"><dl class="js-featureSectionDL"><dd class="featuredd c28">1 rack unit power supply with dual redundant 800 Watt 12 volt power supplies</dd></dl><dl class="js-featureSectionDL"><dd class="featuredd c28">Designed to work with universal videohub</dd></dl><dl class="js-featureSectionDL"><dd class="featuredd c28">Is required for designing a fully loaded router with mixed optical fiber and BNC SDI modules</dd></dl><dl class="js-featureSectionDL"><dd class="featuredd c28">Includes power cards and cables</dd></dl></div><br><p>&nbsp;</p><br><hr /><br><p>&nbsp;Universal Videohub Power Supply Required when building a fully loaded router with mixed optical fiber and BNC SDI modules. Includes power cards, cables and 1 rack unit power supply.</p>

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Weight: 12.00 kg