Blackmagic Design 2110 IP Mini IP to HDMI Converter

Price: AED 1246.74


Manufacturer: Blackmagic Design

<h3>Blackmagic Design 2110 IP Mini IP to HDMI Converter</h3> <p>Blackmagic Design has a wide range of SMPTE-2110 IP video products, including converters, video monitors, audio monitors and even cameras! Plus they support Ultra HD using low cost 10G Ethernet! Most converter models are bidirectional, so they're fantastic to use on cameras when you need an extra program return! The rack mount models have an elegant design with a color LCD for monitoring, menus and diagnostics. All models conform to the SMPTE ST-2110 standard for IP video, including PTP clocks and even NMOS support so you can make connections using a video router panel. The Blackmagic 2110 IP Converter 3x3G model even includes a reference video output, timed to the 2110 PTP clock!</p> <p>This model is designed for connecting a large screen television or computer monitor into SMPTE-2110 IP systems. It's tiny design means you can mount it behind the display! It works in all SD, HD and Ultra HD video standards up to 2160p60. So it's future proof! It has a standard 10G RJ-45 Ethernet connection, so you can use regular CAT-6 Ethernet cables. The converter can be powered via Ethernet (PoE), so you don't even need to connect the power! Although a DC power supply is included!</p>

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Weight: 2.00 kg